Total Capital elge ozyq tehnologiyalardy tartu jäne olardy otandyq industriya jağdailaryna beiіmdeu boiynşa aitarlyqtai jūmys jürgіzude.
Bіz älemdіk joğary tehnologiyalardyŋ Qazaqstandağy negіzgі jolserіgі jäne otandyq tehnologiяlardyŋ älemge eksporttauşysy bolamyz.
Bіz qazіrgі qoğamnyŋ innovasiyalyq kapitalyn qalyptastyru men Qazaqstan ekonomikasynyŋ tehnologiyalyq bazasyn damytu jäne nyğaituyna yqpal etemіz.
Önerkäsіptіŋ sūranysyna nazar audara otyryp, bіryŋğai aqparattyq ekojüienі qūru jäne innovasiyalardy damytu.
Eldіŋ ekonomikalyq, ömіrlіk körsetkіşterіn jaqsartu.
Tūtynuşymyzdyŋ öndіrіstegі tiіmdіlіgіn arttyru maqsatynda, bіz ünemі tiіmdі jäne zamanaui jaŋa tehnologiyalardy іzdestіrіp otyramyz.
Ūzaq merzіmdі yntymaqtastyq ornatudy maqsatta ala otyryp, bіz serіktesterіmіz jäne tūtynuşylarymyzben adal jäne aşyq qarym-qatynas ornamyz.
Bіzdіŋ jobamyzda halyqaralyq deŋgeidegі saraptamalary bar üzdіk mamandar jūmys atqarady. Komanda müşelerі käsіpqoilyğynyŋ joğary deŋgeiі jūmysymyzdy tiіmdі oryndap qana qoimai, tūtynuşylarymyzdyŋ joğary ümіtterіn aqtauğa mümkіndіk beredі.
önerkäsіptіk jüienі basqaru qauіpsіzdіgіmen eŋbektі qorğau prosesterіn basqaru jüielerі.
kompyuterlіk köru ädіsterіn qoldana otyryp, keşendі şeşіmder qabyldau bağyty.
Maşinalyq oqytu tehnologiyasy negіzіnde derekter auqymymen jūmys іsteu boiynşa keşendі analitikalyq şeşіmder qabyldau.
tabiğatty qorğau qyzmetі prosesterіn avtomattandyru jönіndegі bağdarlamalyq modul jäne jabdyqtau bağyty.
jaŋartylatyn energiya közderіn paidalanu jönіndegі apparattyq önіmder bağyty.
Progressivtі damu jolyn bastau üşіn, bіzge habarlasyŋyz
Qazіr habarlasu (kerі bailanys joly)
Social liability of the company
The company adheres to the valuations and concepts of the social liable business, whose basic objectives are care and assistance for potential vulnerable populations, development of the information-oriented society and education of future generations in all the company’s activities.
The corporate social liability of the Holding Company is based on the opinion that support of the social development together with development of the economic sector will enable the business to solve modern social-economic problems comprehensively.
The main purpose of the social liability program of Total Capital Qazaqstan is to develop the information-oriented society in Kazakhstan.
We carry out many events aimed at professional orientation of the youth and enable unemployed persons to obtain an additional professional qualification in domain of programming.
The company implements the projects for free training of programming for disadvantaged children, unemployed persons and disabled people; thereby, we replenish the human capital of Kazakhstan with ambitious and development-interested specialists.
Environmental Liability
Environmental friendliness should be on the agenda of every organization engaged in the field of heavy and light industry. We can proudly say that Total Capital makes every possible effort to minimize its environmental impact. Our Company fully shares the principles of sustainable development and is aware of its high responsibility for the state of the environment in the country.
Environmental aspects are at the forefront when choosing partners and suppliers, developing and testing new products, and in the course of daily work of employees of the Holding’s companies. We strive for achieving maximum environmental performance of all production processes, efficiently and cost-effectively using the natural resources.